Arduino Tracking System
- open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software; "like a little computer you can program to do things, and it interacts with the world through electronic sensors, lights and motors. In essence, it makes some truly hardcore electronics projects accessible to anyone – so artists and creative types can concentrate on making their ideas a reality. It’s the ultimate tinkering tool."
- able to read inputs and turn into outputs e.g. touching a sensor to turn on an LED
- apparently simple and accessible; been used in many projects
- Designers and architects build interactive prototypes, musicians and artists use it for installations and to experiment with new musical instruments
Projection Mapping/Projector Hire
- since it's a large scale projection we may need 2-4 Projectors to show our work
Microsoft Kinect (Possibly)
- for the motion sensing/tracking. This is to enable the audience to 'splash' the water onto the Opera House wall
- P.A System including Main Speakers, Subwoofers and Monitor Speakers
- Speakers will be placed left and right of where the projection will be placed
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